
I use the Notes app on my computer a lot. It’s filled with my introspections, strange thoughts, sundry to-do lists, weekly dreams. Hundreds of notes litter the screen, dating back to August of 2014. You can usually tell from reading a note what I was feeling when I wrote it. This is what one note looks like:

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This particular note contains a rolling collection of some of my favorite quotes, movies, songs, and authors. Other notes contain half-baked creative expositions; memories of important people in my life; descriptions of the kind of person I want to become; inspirational videos; sad poems; questions about anything. Most notes represent  an hour or day of my life. Others, a week or two. They are my persistent everydays of the past four years, a hundred transparencies stacked into something opaque.

I hope to write this blog in the spirit of these notes so you can get to know me a little better. Over time, I hope it will also become a repository for my memories as they gradually fade away inside me. Thank you for being here and reading! I’m very grateful for that.

Here’s to preserving these precious memories together, in a neverending endeavor to outlast the

Eraser In My Head